TRBOnet Watch connection types
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All levels has different network loading. Level 1 is the lowest and Level 4 is the highest.
Level 1. Link Establishment. Only keep alive packets processing. With this level enabled only connection\disconnection status of repeater(s) available. No information in diagnostic tab.
Level 2. Diagnostics. "RDAC-like" connection that shows statuses of repeater(s) (Diagnostics tab).
Level 3. Call Monitoring. "RDAC + indication of the voice\data session-like" connection in LCP. Shows a data\voice transmissions but don’t parses it e.g. shows the voice session active but doesn't allow to hear it in live mode or get audio record.
Level 4. Call Parsing. This is a normal Watch operation mode. Allows GPS coordinates parsing, play and record voice session, etc. Allows RSSI maps creation.

Level 1. Link Establishment. Only keep alive packets processing. With this level enabled only connection\disconnection status of repeater(s) available. No information in diagnostic tab.
Level 2. Diagnostics. "RDAC-like" connection that shows statuses of repeater(s) (Diagnostics tab).
Level 3. Call Monitoring. "RDAC + indication of the voice\data session-like" connection in LCP. Shows a data\voice transmissions but don’t parses it e.g. shows the voice session active but doesn't allow to hear it in live mode or get audio record.
Level 4. Call Parsing. This is a normal Watch operation mode. Allows GPS coordinates parsing, play and record voice session, etc. Allows RSSI maps creation.
- If you performed update from version and earlier, Default connection level set to Level 3.
- If you performed update from version 2.3.5 where Connection level was already chosen, information about chosen connection level applies to newest version.
- If you add new system to Watch, Default connection level set to Level 3, no matter which connection level chosen for another systems.