AMBE2 USB stick (USB-3000) installation guide
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AN_119_FTDI_Drivers_Installation_Guide_for_Windows7.pdfCDM v2.12.06 WHQL Certified.zipUSB-3000_Manual.pdf
Getting started
1. Attach Device to PC via USB port.2. Download Driver software from attachment (CDM v2.12.06 WHQL to target PC and unpack.
Installing USB Serial Converter
1. Open Device manager and find unknown device.2. Choose "Update driver software" and Browse PC for driver software.
3. Navigate to folder where files from CDM v2.12.06 WHQL were extracted.
4. Choose file as a target.
5. When installation manager shows device list, choose USB Serial Converter.
6. Install Driver for USB Serial Converter only, it should appear in USB devices, while Device itself should appear as USB Serial COM Port.
Installing USB Serial COM Port
1. Choose "Update driver software" for USB Serial COM Port and Browse PC for driver software.2. Navigate to folder where files from CDM v2.12.06 WHQL were extracted.Choose file as target.
3. When installation manager shows device list, choose USB Serial Port.
Configuring USB-3000 Serial Port properties
1. Open Device Manager.2. Select Ports (COM & LPT).
3. Right click on USB-3000 Serial Port and select Properties.
4. Select Port Settings TAB.
5. Verify the setting in this window are the same as on Screenshot:

6. If your settings differ - change them to be the same as on Screenshot above.
7. Select Advanced Button.
8. Verify the setting in this window are the same as on Screenshot:

Configuring TRBOnet to work with USB-3000
1. Stop TRBOnet server Service.2. Close TRBOnet server Configurator window.
3. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Neocom Software\Audio3.config and open Audio3.config in any text editor (for example, notepad).
4. Find rows AMBE_TYPE = 0 and DVSI_DONGLES = Auto

5. Change AMBE_TYPE from 0 to 1 (USB-3000)
6. Change DVSI_DONGLES from Auto to COM port dongle utilized.

If all was configured correctly, USB-3000 becomes the device responsible for voice processing.
To check whether it does - detach USB-3000 from PC and check whether TRBOnet lost voice sound.
If yes, configuration is correct.