How to configure Redundant (Backup) TRBOnet Server for systems with NAI
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1. Active redundancy mode
Link Establishment IDs for all system nodes, including Software nodes, should be unique.Example:
Master Repeater LE ID = 1
Peer repeater LE ID = 2
Main TRBOnet Server LE ID = 100
Main Server MNIS LE ID = 101
Backup TRBOnet Server LE ID = 102
Redundant Server MNIS LE ID =103
For Repeaters, Link Establishment IDs are their Radio IDs.

Server in Active redundancy mode is connected to Radio system and logging activities, however not sending anything to Radio system, does not confirm data packets, does not send ARS requests, does not start GPS trigger etc.
Redundant Server becomes Live if Main server(s) from list becomes not available via Network.

2.Passive redundancy mode
Server in Passive redundancy mode is not connected to Radio system and not logging activities.Redundant Server becomes Live if Main server(s) from list becomes not available via Network.

3. Quick Redundancy configuration steps
1.Install TRBOnet on main PC.2. Install SQL server on main PC.
3. Apply license, create Database, add Radio systems and register Subscribers, make all necessary configuration.
4. Using TRBOnet functionality create Database backup.
5. Install TRBOnet on second and other PCs, apply license.
6. Install SQL server and restore Database from backup of main server.
7. Set tick Redundant Server and choose mode of operation.
8. Copy configuration to Backup server. In case it is Active Redundancy mode - change Backup Server LE ID (Peer ID).
9. Apply changes and start Backup server service.
Performing above steps you’ll have identical server ready for operation.