Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'

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TRBOnet Enterprise and/or Watch not starting, I see following error in Logs:
Error message

This happens because System user don't have authorization rights for the DB.

To fix that do the following:
    1. Open SQL Management Studio
    2. Connect to SQL Server instance TRBOnet connected to
    3. Navigate to Security
    4. Open the Logins folder
    5. Double click NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM icon
    6. Click on the Server Roles icon in the Select a page pane
    7. Tick the sysadmin checkbox in the Server roles: pane
For advanced users only:
You may also use the attached Batch files to perform the same operation (for English (EN) and Russian (RU) Operating systems).

The Batch file must be executed (run) with "Run as Administrator" privileges.

If you use Batch files, your SQL instance is not the default (SQLEXPRESS) or not on the Local PC, then modify the Batch file accordingly to replace the text 'sqlexpress'.

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