Mobile Client integration
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Ports consumption TRBOnet version 6.0
Mobile client connection uses UDP ports only.
All ports are to be opened on the TRBOnet server side on router\firewall.
All packets from a TRBOnet server to Mobile clients are sent without any security limitations since the mobile client initiates the handshake.
To be able to connect to a TRBOnet server one mobile client connects to PoC Gateway local port and utilizes 5 ports from VoIP ports range:
1. Port 5070 (default settings, can be changed) as a control port for a handshake:

2. One free port from ports range (First VoIP port of range specified in a POC gateway settings), to be able to download contacts and send attachments:

If a POC gateway First VoIP port setting left as default, Mobile client utilizes ports from Network settings (4022 by default).
We suggest to use VoIP ports starting from 20000 UDP for POC because it fits the Cisco RTP port default range (Cisco uses 16384 – 32767). Less chances to be blocked because of anti DDOS security politics.
Network Engineer may use any port range found suitable.
3. From 1 to 3 ports depending on the amount of subscriptions from First VoIP port setting after successful connection:

Up to 100 Mobile clients will utilize only 1 VoIP port for same Talk Group, different Talk groups still utilize different ports e.g. 100 Mobile clients having the same Talk group will utilize 1 UDP port instead of 100 UDP ports. 101st Mobile client will open the new port for same Talk Group.
Up to 100 Mobile clients will utilize only 1 VoIP port for same Talk Group, different Talk groups still utilize different ports e.g. 100 Mobile clients having the same Talk group will utilize 1 UDP port instead of 100 UDP ports. 101st Mobile client will open the new port for same Talk Group.
4. One port for the Private Call from First VoIP port setting.
Considering above information, the first mobile client will use ports: 5070, 20000 for data (contacts\attachments), 20001, 20002, 20003 for 3 subscriptions, 20004 for a private call. All UDP.
The second mobile client will use ports: 5070, 20005 for data (contacts\attachments), 20001, 20002, 20003 for 3 subscriptions (see Note! field above) for 100 Mobile clients, 20006 for private call. UDP.
The second mobile client will use ports: 5070, 20005 for data (contacts\attachments), 20001, 20002, 20003 for 3 subscriptions (see Note! field above) for 100 Mobile clients, 20006 for private call. UDP.
Hence, first mobile client utilizes 5070 and + 5 next free ports from First VoIP port range. Other connections utilize 5070 and +2 next free ports from First VoIP port range.
UDP port from First VoIP port range for contacts and attachment is not consumed all the time and the same port can be utilized by different mobile clients (not at the same time, port must be freed first).
However, we still advise to plan 3 ports for mobile client (for bundles of 100 Mobile Clients) from VoIP port range, since poor signal may lead to failed connection process which utilizes extra port which is held by OS and network equipment till timeout.
Ports consumption TRBOnet versions before 6.0
Mobile client connection uses UDP ports only.
All ports are to be opened on the TRBOnet server side on router\firewall.
All packets from a TRBOnet server to Mobile clients are sent without any security limitations since the mobile client initiates the handshake.
To be able to connect to a TRBOnet server one mobile client connects to PoC Gateway local port and utilizes 5 ports from VoIP ports range:
1. Port 5070 (default settings, can be changed) as a control port for a handshake:

2. One free port from ports range (First VoIP port of range specified in a POC gateway settings), to be able to download contacts and send attachments:

If a POC gateway First VoIP port setting left as default, Mobile client utilizes ports from Network settings (4022 by default).
We suggest to use VoIP ports starting from 20000 UDP for POC because it fits the Cisco RTP port default range (Cisco uses 16384 – 32767). Less chances to be blocked because of anti DDOS security politics.
Network Engineer may use any port range found suitable.
3. From 1 to 3 ports depending on the amount of subscriptions from First VoIP port setting after successful connection:

4. One port for the Private Call from First VoIP port setting.
Considering above information, the first mobile client will use ports: 5070, 20000 for data (contacts\attachments), 20001, 20002, 20003 for 3 subscriptions, 20004 for a private call. All UDP.
The second mobile client will use ports: 5070, 20005 for data (contacts\attachments), 20006, 20007, 20008 for 3 subscriptions, 20009 for private call. UDP.
The second mobile client will use ports: 5070, 20005 for data (contacts\attachments), 20006, 20007, 20008 for 3 subscriptions, 20009 for private call. UDP.
Hence, each mobile client utilizes 5070 and + 5 next free ports from First VoIP port range.
UDP port from First VoIP port range for contacts and attachment is not consumed all the time and the same port can be utilized by different mobile clients (not at the same time, port must be freed first).
However, we still advise to plan 5 ports for each mobile client from VoIP port range, since poor signal may lead to failed connection process which utilizes extra port which is held by OS and network equipment till timeout.
Hardware requirements
- 16 GB RAM per 1000 Mobile Clients.
1 CPU thread per 50 Mobile Clients (1 Core = 2 Threads), 1 CPU core per 150 Mobile Clients.
Network requirements
Calculation of traffic TRBOnet Server 6.0 and newer
Calculation of the number of Mobile Clients | ||
Network Speed | Number of Subscriptions | Maximum number of active Mobile Clients |
1 Gbps | 3 | 4923 |
Bandwidth Calculation | |||
Number of active Mobile Clients | Number of Subscriptions | Bandwidth, Kbps | Bandwidth, Mbps |
10000 | 1 | 703125 | 703 |
Network requirements | ||
Voice + Data | ||
Voice | 34 | Packets Per Second (PPS) |
Data | 2 | Packets Per Second (PPS) |
Average Packet Size | 250 | Byte |
Bitrate (1 Voice session) | 66 | Kbps |
Bitrate: Maintaining client session 1 voice session 3 subscriptions (without voice) 1 Beacon & GPS data (trigger: 60 s) "Show locations of other devices" enabled |
70 | Kbps |
Data only | ||
Data | 2 | Packets Per Second (PPS) |
Average Packet size | 730 | Byte |
Bitrate: Maintaining client session 1 Beacon & GPS data (trigger: 60 s) "Show locations of other devices" enabled |
11 | Kbps |
Calculation of traffic TRBOnet Server 5.4 - 5.7
Bandwidth Kbps = (N * 5 + 5Kbps) * Y
Where N is the bit rate for the type of Codec used:
CODEC | Bit Rate (Kbps) |
OPUS/16000 |
16 |
Example calculation for 1 Mobile Client of required outgoing bandwidth with OPUS/16000 codec:
(16Kbps * 5 + 5Kbps) * 1 = 85 Kbps
Note: At the peak of its activity (including data sessions) 1 Mobile Client may use about 100 Kbps, depending on trigger settings and the number of groups it is subscribed to.
Mobile Client can be subscribed to 3 groups simultaneously and it may also receive a private call, i.e. 4х16 Kbps, + some data packets (synchronization, TMS, GPS, Job Tickets).
If only one subscription is in use and 'Monitor Location from other stations' feature is not ticked, then Mobile Client will use about 20 Kbps.
Mobile Client can be subscribed to 3 groups simultaneously and it may also receive a private call, i.e. 4х16 Kbps, + some data packets (synchronization, TMS, GPS, Job Tickets).
If only one subscription is in use and 'Monitor Location from other stations' feature is not ticked, then Mobile Client will use about 20 Kbps.
Calculation of traffic TRBOnet Server 5.3
Bandwidth Kbps = (N * 5 + 5Kbps) * YWhere N is the bit rate for the type of Codec used:
CODEC | Bit Rate (Kbps) |
G.711 µ-Law/8000 | 64 |
G.711 A-Law/8000 | 64 |
G.729/8000 | 8 |
SPEEX/8000 | 8 |
SPEEX/16000 (WB) | 16 |
Where Y is the amount of ALL mobile clients
Example calculation for 1 Mobile Client of required outgoing bandwidth with SPEEX/16000 codec:
(16Kbps * 5 + 5Kbps) * 1 = 85 Kbps
Example calculation for 10 Mobile Client of required outgoing bandwidth with SPEEX/16000 codec:
(16Kbps * 5 + 5Kbps) * 10 = 850 Kbps
Calculation of traffic from TRBOnet Server to Mobile Client
Bandwidth Kbps = (N * 5 + 5Kbps) * YWhere N is the bit rate for the type of Codec used
Where Y is the amount of ALL Mobile Clients online
Example calculation for 1 Mobile Client of required incoming bandwidth with SPEEX/16000 codec:
(16Kbps * 5 + 5Kbps) * 1 = 85 Kbps
Example calculation for 10 Mobile Client of required outgoing bandwidth with SPEEX/16000 codec:
(16Kbps * 5 + 5Kbps) * 10 = 850 Kbps
Mobile Client ANDROID <-> TRBOnet Enterprise 5.7 and newer Network Performance Requirements
Delay < 2900 ms
Jitter < 50 ms
Packet loss < 2%
Jitter < 50 ms
Packet loss < 2%
Mobile Client ANDROID <-> TRBOnet Enterprise 5.3.5 and Newer Network Performance Requirements
Delay < 800 ms
Jitter < 100 ms
Packet loss < 3%
Reordering < 3% (not being summarized with the packet loss requirement, both parameters should be < 3%
Jitter < 100 ms
Packet loss < 3%
Reordering < 3% (not being summarized with the packet loss requirement, both parameters should be < 3%
Mobile Client ANDROID <-> TRBOnet Enterprise 5.2.5 Network Performance Requirements
Delay < 200 ms
Jitter < 100 ms
Packet loss < 2%
Reordering < 2% (not being summarized with the packet loss requirement, both parameters should be < 2%)
Jitter < 100 ms
Packet loss < 2%
Reordering < 2% (not being summarized with the packet loss requirement, both parameters should be < 2%)
3G/4G/LTE use cases with latest Android Mobile client version available
Audio quality depends on Broadband cellular network provider signal quality.
Below cases are performed in ideal conditions within full 3G/4G/LTE Network signal strength.
1. Both Mobile clients in 3G Network:
Server connection successful rate is acceptable.
Successful outgoing voice transmissions rate about 99% of overall transmissions rate.
2. Both Mobile clients in 4G/LTE Network:
Server connection succesfull rate is excellent.
Successful outgoing voice transmissions rate is 100% of overall transmissions rate.
Information about Mobile Network types meaning.
Below cases are performed in ideal conditions within full 3G/4G/LTE Network signal strength.
1. Both Mobile clients in 3G Network:
Server connection successful rate is acceptable.
Successful outgoing voice transmissions rate about 99% of overall transmissions rate.
2. Both Mobile clients in 4G/LTE Network:
Server connection succesfull rate is excellent.
Successful outgoing voice transmissions rate is 100% of overall transmissions rate.
Information about Mobile Network types meaning.