Security in TRBOnet applications

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Below is the information about TRBOnet applications security and recommendations to increase the security level.

Development standards:
Post release evaluation:
  • TRBOnet apps are supported by frequent security releases and therefore, maintainable from a security perspective.
    Updates and fixed versions are released as soon as vulnerability was found and eliminated. In critical cases Clients are notified about security issues and supplied with updated versions.
  • Releases are checked with IA scan by Motorola.
  • In most cases Nessus scanner (code vulnerability scanner) and Nmap (Network vulnerability scanner) are used. The same tools are used to check Motorola infrastructure for vulnerabilities.
Security level increase tips:
  • TRBOnet apps are Windows application. To increase TRBOnet apps security - increase security of the Operating System.
  • Always Install Windows updates, .NET and SQL Server security updates.
  • Use secure environment for your applications. TRBOnet applications will be secured if used in secure environments.
  • AES Encryption can be applied to communication between TRBOnet Server and Radio system.
  • Depending on the Radio system type AES encryption applied to Voice and data transmissions or Voice transmissions only.
  • Communication between TRBOnet Server and Radio infrastructure is not secured. TRBOnet operates within corporate Network, secured Network means secured communication. Usage of VPN tunnels can provide increased level of communication between TRBOnet application and Radio infrastructure.
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