TRBOnet System Capacity

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Server capabilities

TRBOnet version 5.5 and newer.

Number of Dispatchers connected per Server:
  • Unicast (default Network tab settings) - 40
  • Multicast (NOTE! only Remote Consoles will be able to connect) - 100

  • Number of Simultaneously Active Sending\Receiving Talk Groups added per Server - 750
  • Number of registered Mobile Clients per Server - 10000
  • Number of registered Subscriber Units per Server - 20000 (all types of Subscribers counted)
  • Number of Swift Gateways connections per Server - 600
  • Number of PBX connections per server - 6
  • Number of Logical Groups added per server - 500
  • Number of Active Geofencing Rules per Server - 20
  • Number of Map Objects added per Server - 1000
Dispatcher Console capabilities
Number of Talk Groups per Dispatcher Console (TRBOnet Dispatch Console):
  • Total count of all PTT boxes in all tabs - 100 
  • Total count of all PTT boxes in all tabs currently active with Transmission - 40 
Number of Talk Groups per Dispatcher Console (TRBOnet One Console):
  • Total count of all PTT boxes in all tabs - 1000
  • Total count of all PTT boxes in all tabs currently active with Transmission - 100
Number of Subscriber Units active per Dispatcher Console:
  • TRBOnet Dispatch Console) - 10000
  • TRBOnet One Console - 20000
  • Number of Phone Lines per Dispatcher - 16
  • Number of Active IP cameras per Dispatcher Console - 5
  • Recommended number of Bridged channels per Dispatcher Console - 6

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