TRBOnet Enterprise/Plus Compatibility Table

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TRBOnet Enterprise/Plus
  2.x 3.0-3.5 3.6 4.0.3 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8.1/5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4    5.5  5.6   5.7 6.0 6.1 6.26.3
XP/Server 2000/2003
7/Server 2008   

8/Server 2012/R2 not tested
10 not tested
Server 2016 not tested not tested not tested not tested
Server 2019 not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested
Server 2022 not tested  not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested
11 not tested not tested  not tested  not tested not tested  not tested not tested
not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested
Server 2025not testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot tested
.NET Framework
4.5.x not tested not tested
4.6.x not tested not tested not tested not tested  not tested  not tested 
4.7.x not tested not tested not tested
4.8 ✘  not tested not tested not tested not tested
Motorola Firmware
2.1.2/1.6a not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested  not tested  not tested  not tested  not tested not testednot tested
2.2.0/1.09.10 not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested  not tested not testednot tested
2.3.0/1.09.10 not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested  not tested  not testednot testednot tested
2.4.0a/1.12.13 not tested not tested not tested not tested  not tested not tested  not tested not testednot testednot tested
2.5 not tested not tested not tested not tested  not tested not tested  not tested  not tested not testednot tested
2.6 not tested not tested not tested not tested  not tested  not tested not tested not testednot testednot tested
2.7 not tested not tested not tested not tested  not tested not tested not tested  not testednot testednot tested
2.8 not tested not tested not tested not tested  not tested not tested not testednot testednot testednot tested
2.9 not tested not tested not tested not tested  not tested  not tested  not tested  not testednot testednot tested
2.10 not tested not tested *️

not tested not tested not tested not tested 
 M.2020.02 not tested not tested not tested not tested  not tested
not tested not tested
not tested
not tested not tested
not tested
not tested
not tested not tested  not tested not tested not tested not tested
M.2021.03 not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested not tested
M.2021.04not testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot tested
M.2022.01not testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot tested
M.2022.02not testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot tested
M.2022.03not testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot tested
M.2023not testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot tested

not testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot tested

*️ 5.3.5 and 2.10 are compatible, without new 2.10 features (Unaddressed\Broadcast calls, Open Voice Channel mode) - non CapMAX systems.
  5.3.5 and 2.10 are compatible, without new 2.10 features (DGNA) - CapMAX systems.

TRBOnet Plus<->Connect Plus compatibility table
TRBOnet Plus Version Connect Plus Version
4.7 - 5.2 1.6
5.0 - 5.1 2.5
5.0 - 5.1 1.7/2.6
5.2 2.8
5.3 2.9
 5.4 2.9

TRBOnet Plus<->Capacity MAX Compatibility table
TRBOnet Plus Version Capacity MAX version
5.0 - 5.2 2.6
5.1 - 5.2 2.7
5.2 2.8/2.9 (without new 2.9 features)
5.3 2.9/2.10 (without new 2.10 features)
5.4 2.10
5.5 2.10/M.2020.01
5.6 2.10/M.2020.01/M.2020.02
5.7 2.10/M.2020.01/M.2020.02/M.2021.01
6.0 2.10/M.2020.01 - M.2022.01
6.12.10/M.2020.01 - M.2022.01
6.2M.2020 - M.2024
6.3M.2020 - M.2024

SQL Server:
Current TRBOnet versions (starting 6.0) work with Microsoft SQL Server versions 2016 and newer.
TRBOnet versions before 6.0 work with Microsoft SQL Server versions 2008 R2 and newer.

Compatibility table of MNIS & DDMS and Motorola Firmware
 Firmware version MNIS Version DDMS Version
2.3 2.31 3.12
2.4 2.41 3.40
2.5 2.41 3.40
2.6 2.60 3.40
2.7 2.70 3.70
2.8 2.80 3.80
2.9 2.90 3.90
 2.10 2.100 3.100
M.2020.01 2020.01.0018 3.100.5001
M.2020.02 2020.02.0042
M.2021.01 - M.2021.03 21.01.0059 3.100.5001
 M.2023.0123.01.0027 23.01.0003
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