List of ports used by TRBOnet applications

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It is difficult to provide a comprehensive list of ports as each system will be different (topology) and depends on your particular Custom settings that were configured during Software installation and maintenance.

However, the typical default port assignments (with default settings) are:

Port consumer Local Port number on Consumer PC
TRBOnet Enterprise Server (TRBOnet Plus Server) TRBOnet Watch health check of TRBOnet Enterprise\Plus Server 4018 UDP
    Default Command port 4021 TCP
can be changed to another TCP
Default Start VoIP port 4022 (TCP or UDP)
can be changed to another TCP or UDP
+1 (or next free port) for each Console Instance (TCP or UDP)
For each recorded audio save or replay console utilizes ports from VoIP pool (TCP or UDP depending on "Data Protocol" setting). After save or playback finish TCP port is freed after 5 minutes, UDP after 30 seconds. If new save or play command sent while port timeout is active, new port will be opened.
It is advised to allow at least 10 - 15 ports range for each console connection.
TRBOnet Enterprise Dispatch Console (TRBOnet Dispatch Console) Default VoIP port 4022 (TCP or UDP)
can be changed to another TCP or UDP
+1 (or next free port) for each Console Instance (TCP or UDP)
TRBOnet Watch Server Default Command port 4019 TCP
can be changed to another TCP
TRBOnet Watch Console Default VoIP port 4020
+1 (or next free port) for each Watch Instance (UDP)
Swift Agent Swift A100\A200
Local Port Dynamic or Specified
Remote Connection port 8002 UDP (8002 UDP for programming)
Swift A001\A002
Local Port Dynamic or Specified
Remote Connection port 8002 UDP (3836 UDP for programming)

Web Console

Default port  80 TCP (can be changed in IIS settings)
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