LAN (Wi-Fi) and Over The Air Programming OB configuration

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Starting from version 1.6 Swift CPS allows to read and write OB via:
  • LAN (for MOTOTRBO E Series with enabled Wi-Fi)
  • OTAP (Over The Air Programming)
  • Swift Option Board ST002 allows firmware upgrade and configuration
  • MOTOROLA GOB allows only configuration.
  • LAN (MOTOTRBO E Series with Wi-Fi License):

    For LAN access, IP address of Subscriber received over Wi-Fi should be in same subnetwork as PC with Swift CPS.

    1. Choose connection method (point 1)
    2. Choose "Read" (point 2)
    3. Choose Device model and input Radio IP of Radio from codeplug of radio (Network tab), click "read" (point 3)


    For OTAP read  enable Swift.Tracker v.2 service and Forward Data service in TRBOnet Server configurator.

    1. Choose connection method (point 1)
    2. Choose "Read" (point 2)
    3. Choose Device model and input IP address of TRBOnet Server (or IP address of Swift Agent A200) and Radio ID of radio to read, click "read" (point 3)

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