How to troubleshoot A200m analog audio issues

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Preparation of the Swift Agent for test

  1. Connect the Swift Agent to a Computer with the current Swift CPS release installed, via USB.
  2. Read the configuration, make sure that the firmware of the Swift Agent is “Analog RoIP Gateway” of the current release version, update\change the firmware if necessary.
  3. Open the sample “Sample_A200m (Analog RoIP Gateway)” from the samples list of Swift CPS (File -> Open Sample).
  4. Write the sample to the Swift Agent, if necessary, change the "Network settings", do not change any other settings: (pins, audio, etc.), leave them as “default”.
  5. Disconnect the Swift Agent from a Computer.
  6. Connect the Swift Agent to Local Network, connect the Swift Agent to an external 12 Volt DC power supply.
  7. Configure the Swift Agent connection in the TRBOnet Server Configurator in the "Single Control station" mode.

Test of the PTT PIN

  1. Press PTT box of the Swift Agent in the TRBOnet console.
  2. Make sure that the “TX / transmission” symbol appears on the Swift Agent's display:
  3. Use the multimeter in measurement mode "DC voltage", apply probes to the Swift Agent's GND and PIN 5:

  4. When connected, a pull-up voltage of about 3 - 5 Volts will be displayed (as per default configuration):

  5. If TX status is shown on the Swift Agent's display when Swift Agent PTT pressed in the TRBOnet Dispatch console and, the voltage changes from 3 - 5 Volts to 0.5 - 1 Volt, this means the PTT pin is working correctly.

Test of the CSQ detect PIN

  1. Using tweezers or wire or metal clip etc. shorten the Swift Agent's GND and PIN 6:
  2. Make sure that the “RX / reception” symbol appears on the Swift Agent's display:
  3. If RX status is shown when PINs are shortened, this means the CSQ pin works correctly.
  4. Swift Agent PTT box in the TRBOnet Dispatch console should change to "Receive" (blue).

Test of the Audio Output

  1. Use Active speaker system, make sure it works (connect it, to a sound source: a Computer or a Smartphone).
  2. Connect Active speaker system to the Swift Agent's "Audio output":
  3. Press Swift Agent PTT box in the TRBOnet Dispatch console, say something into the console microphone, check the sound output from the Speakers.

Test of the Audio Input

  1. Turn off the Swift Agent's power.
  2. Connect a test audio source (Computer or Smartphone) “headphone output” or “line-out” to the Swift Agent's "Audio Input". 
    You can use the audio cable from the Swift Agent kit “3.5 mm <-> 3.5 mm" or similar:

  3. Set the test audio source volume level to “medium” (50-70%).
  4. Turn on the test sound source to play a recording of a voice message or music.
  5. Turn on the Swift Agent's power.
  6. Using tweezers or wire or metal clip etc. shorten the Swift Agent GND and PIN 6:

  7. Check that the “RX / reception” symbol appears on the Swift Agent's display:

  8. Check that the Swift Agent PTT box turned blue (Receive) and sound from the test source is heard.
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