Connect to Network based SQL server

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In case SQL Server is in the same network as TRBOnet server you just need to specify either IP address or domain name of the PC and the name of SQL Server instance.

In case they are in different networks then you need to set port forwarding TCP protocol, port 1433. After that specify IP address of the router in TRBOnet server settings. In both cases it is required to connect to SQL server via SA account (see the screenshot attached).

TCP port 1433 is the default port for SQL Server. This port is also the official Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) socket number for SQL Server. Client systems use TCP 1433 to connect to the database engine; SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) uses the port to manage SQL Server instances across the network. You can reconfigure SQL Server to listen on a different port, but 1433 is by far the most common implementation.

Another SQL ports are optional depending on what is required in the system.
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