Compatibility and miscellaneous information

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Radio <=> Swift Option Board compatibility

Radio Swift Option Board
Mobile MOTOTRBO radio 1st generation (DM3000, XPR4000, XIRM8200) ST001 (no longer produced)
Portable MOTOTRBO radio 1st generation (DP3000, XPR6000, XIR P8200) ST001 (no longer produced)
Mobile MOTOTRBO radio 2nd generation (DM4000, XPR5000, XIRM8600) ST002/ST002m/ST002t
Portable MOTOTRBO radio 2nd generation (DP4000, XPR7000, XIRP8600) ST002/ST002m/ST002t
Mobile MOTOTRBO radio E series (DM4000E, XIRM8600i) ST002/ST002m/ST002t
Portable MOTOTRBO radio E series (DP4000E, XIRP8600i) ST002/ST002m/ST002t

     Radio <=> MOTOROLA GOB compatibility

Mobile MOTOTRBO radio 1st generation (DM3000, XPR4000, XIRM8200) PMLN5496AS
Portable MOTOTRBO radio 1st generation (DP3000, XPR6000, XIR P8200) PMLN5496AS
Mobile MOTOTRBO radio 2nd generation (DM4000, XPR5000, XIRM8600) PMLN5718AS
Portable MOTOTRBO radio 2nd generation (DP4000, XPR7000, XIRP8600) PMLN5718AS
Mobile MOTOTRBO radio E series (DM4000E, XIRM8600i) PMLN7324AS
Portable MOTOTRBO radio E series (DP4000E, XIRP8600i) PMLN7324AS
Compact MOTOTRBO radio E series (3441E/3661E) PMLN7324AS

1. 1st generation radios are not compatible with ST002 Option Board.

2. Compact MOTOTRBO radio (3441 series EMEA), has no compatible Swift Option Boards or MOTOROLA GOB.

3. Minimum required ST002 firmware version for Portable MOTOTRBO radio is R03.00.11

4. Compact MOTOTRBO radio E series (3441E/3661E) compatible with MOTOROLA GOB only, advised to check with MOTOROLA whether their GOB are compatible with newer models or versions of Compact radios.

5. Because of "E" series radios design, when using Swift Agent with USB connection to the service (rear) connector of a radio station with a simultaneously connected front programming cable, the sound is "broken".
 For connections of "Agent A200 USB + mobile station E series" after Radio or OB configuration using the front programming cable, it is MANDATORY to:
  • Disconnect front programming cable from the station
  • Restart "Agent A200 USB + mobile E-series" equipment set by completely disconnecting their power

6. SL Radio models has built in Motorola GOB installed, which is compatible with Swift logic.
  • SL radios are not equipped with GPS module, hence GPS Store and forward feature is not applicable. However, it is possible to use SL4010e for Indoor localization as it has this option feature in licensing.
  • Radio has accelerometer, however it is not available for Option Board Logic operations, hence no "ManDown" feature.
7. ST002t ("Transfer") Option Board is not compatible with Swift Logic, should be used in pair with Swift Agent in USB transfer mode only. 

8. Starting Swift CPS ST002/ST002m/ST002t Option Boards are automatically flashed in USB transfer mode if connected to Swift Agent A100/A200/A200m in USB RoIP Gateway mode.

9. Starting Swift CPS MOTOTRBO R7 GOB is supported. MOTOTRBO R7 is not compatible with ST002/ST002m/ST002t and previous generation option boards.

Power supply for Swift Agent should be purchased from other vendor, usually we recommend to use power supply from the Motorola’s battery charger.
To power Swift A200 from an external AC power source, use any power cable with the 5.5mm x 2.1 mm DC plug and the AC/DC adapter with the DC output of +12V (positive polarity) and the input AC voltage recommended for your region. Find all information on the label of the power adapter.
Swift Agent's stabilizer unit supports up to 15V power input.
Note: Before connecting Swift A200 to an AC power supply, test the power adapter to make sure it has the proper voltage and polarity. The use of a power adapter with reverse polarity or higher voltage may cause the damage to Swift A200.

Swift Option Board <=> Swift Agent compatibility:
Swift Option Board Swift Agent
ST001 A001/A002
ST002/ST002m/ST002t A100/A200/A200m

Software to program OB and Swift Agent:
OB Swift Agent Software for programming
ST001 A001/A002 Swift Manager
ST002/ST002m A100/A200/A200m Swift CPS
ST002t A100/A200/A200m  Does not require software, flashed by Swift Agent automatically

Following interconnection schemes were tested and confirmed stable:
  • 1st generation:
Swift Agent Firmware Connection mode OB Firmware Motorola firmware TRBOnet version Swift Utilities Pack
A002/A001 Digital Agent R01.02.09  NRF ST001 Transfer for Agent, R01.00.11 2.40.20/R01.12.17 4.8 1.7.5
A002/A001 Analog Agent R01.05.03 Analog N/A 2.40.20/R01.12.17 4.8 1.7.5
A002/A001 Digital Agent R01.02.09 NRF   ST001 Transfer for Agent, R01.00.11 2.40.20/R01.12.17    1.7.5
A002/A001 Analog Agent R01.05.03 Analog  N/A  2.40.20/R01.12.17    1.7.5
  • ​2nd generation:
Swift Agent Firmware Connection mode OB Firmware Motorola firmware TRBOnet version Swift Utilities Pack
A100/A200/A200m Analog RoIP Gateway 05.07.04 Analog N/A 2022.0X 6.0 2.0
A100/A200/A200m USB RoIP Gateway 03.07.05 USB ST002/ST002m/ST002t USB Transfer for Agent (firmware version N/A, flashed by Swift Agent)  2022.0X 6.0/5.7 2.0
A100/A200/A200m Analog RoIP Gateway 03.05.00
Analog N/A 2022.0X 6.0/5.7 2.0
A100/A200 USB RoIP Gateway 03.04.05 USB ST002/ST002m USB Transfer for Agent 03.00.06  2.8 5.2 1.6.1
A100/A200 Analog RoIP Gateway 03.04.05 Analog N/A 2.8  5.2 1.6.1

Other possible interconnection schemes weren't tested and can't be confirmed stable.

For Swift Agent rack solutions we recommend using lead-acid sealed maintenance-free batteries 12 v 12 A / h - 40 A / h.
Swift Agent's charging rate is 500 mA. Battery charging process can not be interrupted until the Agent is turned off (in case batteries are not required just don't put them in).
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