Dispatcher Windows Authentication

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TRBOnet Dispatcher account can be assigned to the Windows User (More information in TRBOnet User manual "6.4.25 Dispatchers", to check most recent TRBOnet User manual access TechDoc page).
After assignment to the Windows user, Windows user accessed the computer can access the TRBOnet console without Username and Password input.
  • Windows authentication option can be used if computer added to Active Directory or in Workgroup. Account check is done upon Windows logon.
  • All users must be added manually to the TRBOnet Database using TRBOnet Dispatch console with TRBOnet Administrator access.
  • As TRBOnet does not support LDAP protocol, it is not possible to import Active Directory user to TRBOnet.
  • As TRBOnet does not support LDAP protocol, if Username changed in Active Directory, Dispatcher account with new user must be created.

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