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GPS Tracking

GPS Tracking
GPS Tracking
GPS Tracking is one of the most popular features, along with Voice Dispatch and Recording. If your MOTOTRBO radio is equipped with the GPS module, it is able to send its location information across the radio network, which allows the dispatcher to see and track the users' location on the map in TRBOnet Dispatch Console.


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AVL Tracking for MOTOTRBO

With the GPS module enabled in your TRBOnet Dispatch application, you can track your radio users. You can poll GPS coordinates at regular intervals, normally every 30 seconds or more. The radio users' location is shown on the map. If a radio receives and sends valid GPS coordinates to TRBOnet, the respective icon in the console turns green. This makes it easy for a dispatcher to check the status of the radios, and their locations, thereby improving safety and efficiency.

Historical Routes

All location information is stored in the TRBOnet database. This means that it can be played back any time to see the selected users' movements during a specified time interval. Such reports may be helpful for incident investigations.

Breadcrumb Trails

In this mode you can see the online location of radio users along with their route for the last 30 minutes or any other time interval. Such a combination of real-time positioning with a historical route provides a visual overview of the route.


This is a simple, yet very powerful feature developed to help you keep your staff away from dangerous areas. You can create one or more predefined geographical areas by drawing "fences" on the map and applying rules to radios that can enter or leave these regions. For example, a radio user may not be allowed to enter a restricted area, and if he does, TRBOnet will automatically send a warning message to the dispatcher. You can set time intervals and week days when Geofencing must be activated.

Speed Limit/Idle Time

It can be useful if you want to monitor vehicles to ensure they don't speed or move too slowly. If the speed is less than the predefined minimum value, the vehicle is considered idle. TRBOnet can be configured to warn the dispatcher if a car has not been moving for a certain period.

Option Board Software

If you'd like your radio to record GPS information more frequently (every 2-5 seconds) even when it is outside the radio coverage area, take a look at the TRBOnet Store and Forward solution for Option Boards.

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