Alarm Management

Alarm Management is a purchasable module for TRBOnet Enterprise. This is a comprehensive toolset for abnormal situation awareness and automated response actions. Alarm Management helps you automate your daily tasks and deliver alerts from nearly any source to your MOTOTRBO radio, dispatchers, TRBOnet Mobile Client, email accounts or GSM phones.
- Overview
- Detailed Features
- Diagrams
- Video
Alarm Control System
Alarm Management is available for both TRBOnet Enterprise and TRBOnet Plus. Alarm Management helps you automate your daily tasks and deliver alerts from nearly any source to your MOTOTRBO radio, dispatchers, TRBOnet Mobile Client, email accounts or GSM phones. Event sources range from external control panels (e.g. fire alarm panels) connected to your TRBOnet server via TCP/IP or RS232, text messages and DTMF sequences sent by a radio, to Geofencing and native MOTOTRBO alarms. This module allows you to integrate TRBOnet with virtually any enterprise management system capable of sending text messages over TCP/IP. TRBOnet then parses such messages and triggers the rules as necessary.
Alarm Management for Option Boards
The event logic can also be applied to option boards. The radio can generate alarms in case the radio unit is in a restricted area, or one of safety alerts, such as Man Down, Crash Detect, or No Movement has been triggered. Using our Swift Utilities Pack, you can easily configure your MOTOTRBO Generic Option Board to send an alarm to the dispatcher if any of these conditions are detected. For more information about Option Boards please see this page.
Alarm Management for TRBOnet Enterprise and Plus
Alarm Management is a very powerful feature designed to simplify daily routine procedures and create emergency scenarios ensuring that alarm handling and notification is automatic, efficient and reliable. Critical alarms are automatically delivered to your Computer Aided Dispatch system, MOTOTRBO radios and Android and iOS phones and tablets with TRBOnet Mobile Client software. The dispatcher is not involved in alarm handling, which prevents human errors.TRBOnet can process multiple event sources coming from either a MOTOTRBO radio network (such as radio on/off state, text message, radio alarm) or from third-party software and hardware connected to TRBOnet over IP, via a serial port and so on.
Automated Response System
Alarm Management for MOTOTRBO radio networks is a purchasable module for TRBOnet Enterprise and TRBOnet Plus. This system allows you
- to select event types and event sources you would like to track,
- to define trigger conditions,
- to configure one or several response actions.

In such layouts, TRBOnet Server parses incoming messages for configurable regular expressions (text patterns) and triggers the rules as necessary, as shown in the below scheme.

Other Event Sources
- Emergency call
- Geofencing alarm
- Radio state (on/off)
- Specific text in a text message or an email
- Telemetry
- DTMF sequence
- Lone Worker alert
Configurable Actions
TRBOnet provides a wide choice of response actions. The target outputs include but not limited to the following actions- Visible and audible alarm in TRBOnet Dispatch Console
- An outgoing email to specific addresses
- Automatic Job Ticket
- Radio lock (the user won't be able to use it before the dispatcher enables it)
- System Bridge (TRBOnet automatically patches two or more radio channels)
- A radio call with a pre-recorded voice message
- A Text to Speech radio or phone call
- Telecommand

The below diagram shows sources and actions that can be programmed in the software.