28 Apr 2020

TRBOnet 5.5 Released

TRBOnet Enterprise and PLUS 5.5

This update features a new mobile app and focuses on enhancements to TRBOnet One.

Here are the highlights


This is a panic button system for your iPhone or Android-based smartphone.

TRBOnet One

The update adds new widgets to our console that make it easier for operators to handle telephone calls and callback requests.

PTT over Cellular App (Mobile Client)

New safety features are available, such as Man Down and No Movement.

Functional Modules

TRBOnet 5.5 introduce multiple improvements for Alarm Management and Phone Interconnect and a new flexible workflow for the Request to Talk handling system.

Support for Motorola’s System Release 2020.01

The system release includes new capabilities for Capacity Max and IPSC systems.

For more detailed information about the release please see our newsletter.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR CAPACITY MAX USERS: TRBOnet 5.5 on a Capacity MAX system upgraded to System Release 2020.01 requires a new licence including the VRC serial number. Please contact our Sales Team or Support at support@trbonet.com.

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